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What Is The Effect Of Adding Vitamins To Chickens?

What is the effect of adding vitamins to chickens?

vitamins as long as the chickens have bad symptoms, no matter what kind of vitamins. The editor will explain specifically why vitamins are added to chickens and what are the specific effects.

1. The chicks are fed 100 mg of vitamin C daily to promote growth and development and increase survival rate.

2. When chickens are vaccinated, vitamin A, D, C should be added in time to enhance chicken body resistance.

3. Chickens suffer from colds and other infectious diseases. Adding vitamin C tablets to conventional medicines can strengthen the functions of the medicines and shorten the course of the disease.

4. In winter, low temperature and low light. Adding vitamin D to chicken feed can prevent vitamin D deficiency caused by low light in caged chickens.

5. When laying hens suffer from diarrhea and other diseases, adding 300 mg of vitamin C daily can improve ovarian metabolism and increase egg production rate.

6. ​​When the temperature of the chicken house is higher than 32℃, the chicken will eat less and the egg production rate will decrease. At a high temperature of 34℃, adding 200 mg of vitamin C per kilogram of diet for laying hens can increase egg production by 8%; adding 300 mg of vitamin C can increase egg production by 10%.

7. Chickens lay out soft-shelled eggs due to calcium deficiency. In severe cases, the eyeballs turn up, the head and neck are rigidly bent, and the toes are twitched. Adding vitamin D to the treatment with calcium can cure the disease early.

8. When chickens suffer from gastrointestinal disease, add vitamin B1 tablets to conventional drugs to prevent and treat symptoms such as loss of appetite.

9. Add vitamin C to the drinking water before the hen lays eggs to make the hen lay hard-shelled eggs and reduce the rate of broken eggs.

10. Adding an appropriate amount of vitamin C to the feed can greatly reduce chicken pecking and accelerate wound healing.

I understand the role of various vitamins. In the process of raising chickens, you can add vitamins to the symptoms according to the specific conditions of the chickens, which has a multiplier effect.

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