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Several Methods To Reduce The Cost Of Raising Chickens

Several methods to reduce the cost of raising chickens

In actual production, the peak egg production of high-yielding chickens can last for more than 4 months, and the high-level feed nutrition should be properly extended to maintain the time. Thereafter, the amount of high-protein feed should be reduced according to the decline in egg production rate to avoid nutritional waste. During immunization, grouping, group transfer, and beak trimming of chickens, the vitamin content and protein level in the feed can be increased appropriately.

Feed less feed to Qin Tian

Each feeding does not exceed 1/3 of the feed trough, try to let the chicken eat the feed in the feed trough and then add the feed, to prevent the remaining feed from moldy and spoiled.

Correctly cut off the beak in time

The    test showed that beak-breaking saves about 6% of feed compared to chickens with constant beaks. Experienced workers can be arranged to break their beaks at 7-9 days of age.

Eliminate bad individuals

Pay attention to the flocks at ordinary times and find out that sick chickens, weak chickens, low-yielding chickens, and chickens that have stopped production should be eliminated in time. This type of chicken generally accounts for 3%-5% of the total number of flocks. Each additional day of feeding consumes 100 grams of chicken. Some chicken farmers are often unable to make up their minds, and as a result, feed is wasted. Breeders must have some experience in raising chickens in order to accurately eliminate “white-eating chickens”: hens with crowns, pale faces, shrunken crowns, and yellow legs should be singled out; the phalanges of normal laying hens are more than 3 fingers apart. The distance between the phalanx and the sternum is more than 3 fingers. After the peak of egg production, some chickens have a distance of less than 1.5 fingers and less than 2 fingers in the horizontal crotch. Fatty or thin hens should be eliminated in time; the abdomen is enlarged and the abdominal cavity accumulates. The water or the accumulation of more liquid, hens who have difficulty walking should also be eliminated in time.

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