Family “Flowing Water” Broiler Feeding Technology
The family “flowing water” broiler breeding technology is to carry out the brooding and fattening in separate rooms. After the chickens are cultivated in the brooding room for 28 days, the whole group is transferred to the fattening room and raised to the slaughter at the same time.
“Flowing water” broiler house
The construction of “flowing water” chicken houses for families can make full use of idle old houses and courtyard reconstruction.
Brooding room:
The old house can be repaired, cleaned, painted, and installed with insulation facilities to meet the brooding requirements.
Fattening house:
A wall is used in the yard, surrounded by bricks to form a wall with a height of 2.0-2.5 meters (length and width depends on the number of brooding chicks and the size of the yard). The upper side is covered with skylights and windows are opened front and rear. The fattening room and the brooding room are connected by a door, which is opened when the chicks transfer to the group, and is closed and sealed during the rest of the time.
Family “flowing water” broiler raising method
Spray the brooding room with 2% caustic soda water for disinfection, and then blow torch flame to disinfect the walls and floor. After 5 days, the indoor fire test temperature, when the temperature stabilizes at about 32 ℃, you can enter the chicks, about 30 per square meter. After being carefully raised for 28 days in accordance with the brooding regulations, open the connecting door of the brooding room and the fattening room, and transfer the chicks to the fattening room for fattening at dusk. At the same time, remove all the litter in the brooding room. After disinfecting with the above method, re-lay the litter and fumigate with formaldehyde (14ml formaldehyde and 7g potassium permanganate per cubic meter of space), and airtight doors and windows Open the window after 5 days and re-enter the chicks after adjusting the temperature.
In the finishing house 7 days before the transfer of chicks, bedding materials should be laid and strictly disinfected. The fattening density of broiler chickens is controlled at 14-16 per square meter. It is fed by bucket-type feeders. The chickens are free to eat and drink water. By the age of 50 days, the average weight of the male and female fattening chickens is required to reach about 2 kg. All out. The litter should also be removed after the slaughter, spread quicklime on the ground, and strictly disinfected, re-lay the litter to welcome the second batch of chicks transferred from the brooding room.
The “flow-through” operation makes full use of idle old houses and courtyards, which not only speeds up the batch of broiler chickens, but also increases the utilization rate of the chicken coop. Due to the all-in, all-out and thorough disinfection, the incidence of chicks is greatly reduced.