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Control The Light In The Broiler House

Control the light in the broiler house

Reasonable light is one of the important conditions for the normal growth and development of broilers. Therefore, in production practice, farmers should pay attention to the control of light in the chicken house.
1. Installation of lighting equipment
According to the scale of breeding, the lighting equipment should be installed, and the lighting circuit should be safe and reliable. Calculated by raising 2,000 chickens, generally 10 light bulbs are required. The light bulbs are 2.1-2.4 meters above the ground, and the distance between the lights is 3-3.5 meters, and they are installed in two rows. The distance between the bulb and the wall is half the distance between the bulbs (1.5-1.75 meters).
2. Reasonable lighting time
24 hours of light should be guaranteed for the first two days after entering the chicks; 23 hours of light should be guaranteed after 3 days; natural light during the day after 14 days of age, proper shading if necessary, and low light at night. If the chicks can reach the standard weight in the first week, intermittent light can be used at 8-21 days of age. After the second week, it is recommended to raise chickens in low light. Without affecting feed intake and drinking water, low light can reduce the movement of chickens, fully improve feed utilization, limit physical energy consumption, and promote weight gain.
3. Control of light intensity
For the first 7 days, the average light intensity is 2.0-2.5 watts per square meter. Too low will reduce the feed intake of the chicks and affect the 7-day-old body weight. After 7 days, the light intensity averages 1.5 watts per square meter. Make sure that the light is uniform, and the light time and light intensity cannot be reduced too fast, otherwise it will affect the normal growth and development of the chickens.

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