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Chicks Dewarming Work Management

Chicks dewarming work management

Although chicks after 7 weeks of age have a certain degree of body temperature regulation and their ability to adapt to the external environment has also improved, they are difficult to adapt to the lower night external environment temperature, which can easily cause the quality of the chickens to decline. Outbreak of disease. In order to reduce the temperature stress on the flock before and after the transfer, during this period, the temperature should be increased according to the physique of the flock, and the temperature should be reduced to 16-18℃. Heating, if there is no heating facility, also use coal stove heating (beware of gas poisoning), so that the temperature of the brooding house and brooding house is basically the same in the first three days after the transfer, and then gradually cool down according to the age of the flock and the outside temperature, but ** It cannot be lower than 13°C.

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