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Chicken House Fumigation And Disinfection Method

Chicken house fumigation and disinfection method

Fumigation and disinfection of chicken coops is one of the important cleaning tasks for new chicken coops, especially old chicken coops, and it affects the incidence of chicken farm diseases to some extent. So, what is the correct method of fumigation and disinfection of chicken coops? ?

Which disinfectants are generally used for fumigation and disinfection of chicken coops? Formalin (formaldehyde) can kill bacteria as well as molds and viruses, so it is widely used for disinfection in the chicken industry. However, in our usual disinfection, Some technical points should be grasped. Fumigation and disinfection is to use formalin (containing 40% formaldehyde aqueous solution) and potassium permanganate to quickly release formaldehyde gas and kill pathogenic microorganisms after a certain period of time. It is commonly used in chicken house disinfection. And an effective method.

Before fumigation and disinfection, all doors, windows, walls and gaps in the chicken house should be sealed first, and then 28 ml of formalin and 14 g of potassium permanganate should be used per cubic meter of space. In the house, use 3 times the disinfection concentration, that is, 42 ml of formalin and 21 g of potassium permanganate per cubic meter of space.) Prepare the disinfection drugs needed for the entire chicken house, and then put the potassium permanganate into the disinfection container Built in different parts of the chicken house, and prepare the formalin next to the corresponding disinfection container according to the amount of potassium permanganate put in.

During the fumigation and disinfection operation of the chicken house, it is best to arrange staff equal to the number of disinfection containers (stand next to the disinfection container), and let the staff farthest from the door of the chicken house pour all formalin into the corresponding container. Inside the disinfection container with potassium permanganate, then quickly evacuated, and the other staff continued to do the same, until the last staff member evacuated to the door of the chicken house, the chicken house door was closed and sealed, 2 to 3 days later Hit it.

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