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Chicken Cage

chicken cage

chicken cage Feeding large cockroaches to chickens can improve the immunity of chickens. Can you believe it? The latest research has found that adding periplaneta powder to chicken feed can improve the immunity of chickens.

Adding periplanet powder to chicken feed can improve chicken’s immunity

“Periplaneta americana” is a large cockroach common in Fuzhou. The research on the development and utilization of American cockroach resources led by Dr. Zhou Qiong from the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Science and Technology Information of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and others suggested that adding periplanet powder to chicken feed can improve the immunity of chickens.

There are many earthwork made from cockroaches in our country, and modern medicine has also used cockroaches to extract antibiotics. Dr. Zhou Qiong said: Cockroaches do not get sick when they appear in dirty places because they have many immune active ingredients in their bodies. “He said that through large-scale cultivation of Periplaneta americana and then drying and crushing it, replacing imported fish meal with 2% Periplaneta americana meal in broiler feed can increase the survival rate of broiler chickens by at least 5%.

Will the cockroach meal be harmful to the human body?

Common cockroaches carry germs and contagious diseases, mainly because they often hide in sewers, garbage dumps and other places. Cockroaches raised manually will not have these problems. Periplaneta americana is rich in nutrients, rich in nutrients such as protein and amino acids. The processed lead, mercury and other heavy metals, salmonella, total number of bacteria and molds can meet the feed hygiene standards.

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