Precautions for disinfection of chicken coops
Chicken house disinfection is an indispensable link for every chicken farm. Due to the fast growth of broilers and short feeding period, if the previous batch of chickens are infected with bacteria and viruses, they will definitely stay in the chicken house and infect the next batch. Chicken, so it is very important to disinfect the chicken house. Since chicken house disinfection is so important, what are the precautions during the disinfection process?
Chicken house disinfection program
The first step in disinfection of chicken houses is generally to clean. After all the chickens are released, the chicken manure, bedding, and spider webs on the ceiling must be removed, because these will affect the disinfection effect. After cleaning, it is cleaning. For doors, windows, net beds and the floor, any surface in the house must be washed. After cleaning, wait for the chicken coop to dry before starting disinfection. Among them, there are many details that need attention, because germs may exist in every place and attach to every utensil.
Disinfection precautions
1. During the preparations for disinfection of the chicken house, the electromechanical equipment in the chicken house needs to be overhauled, and the power supply line needs to be checked to prevent leakage. Make sure that the equipment can be maintained until another batch of chickens are raised, otherwise it will be replaced. For the supporting sites outside the chicken coop, it is also necessary to clean up, such as drains, surrounding weeds, and factory areas. Dredge the ditch to keep the drainage unobstructed without affecting the ventilation. For the cleaning of the factory area, there must be no chicken manure, feathers, and garbage.
2. Spray disinfectant, ventilate after 10 hours of disinfection, and close doors and windows 3 to 4 hours after ventilation. All surfaces, ceilings, walls, and net beds of the chicken house are disinfected with high-efficiency and non-corrosive disinfectants, which are prepared according to the instructions. Use 3% hot alkaline water to spray or sprinkle quicklime on the ground. Be careful not to use quicklime for reasons and habits. Quicklime is harmful to the respiratory tract of chickens. In addition, before disinfection, equipment must be put into the house, including feed buckets, tool carts, work clothes, etc.
3. When steaming and disinfecting, pay attention to closing doors, windows and vents, and check whether the temperature and humidity meet the requirements. It is best to use solid formaldehyde and potassium permanganate fumigation method. Open doors, windows and vents for 24 to 36 hours after fumigation, and fully open them for adequate ventilation. Personnel must wear disinfected shoes and overalls when entering.
The disinfection of chicken coops is a key step that connects the past and the next. Only by doing this well, the next batch of chickens can grow up healthily and their wealth will increase day by day.